Raihana Toma

"Structural Investigation of α-In2Se3 by Polarized Optical and Transmission Electron Microscope"



"Quantitative STEM analysis of interfaces in Si/SiGe strained superlattices"


 Associate  Prof. JIA Jiqiang,

 Center for Modern Analysis and Testing, Xi'an University of Technology
           Duration 2023. 02. 07 - 2024. 02. 06

Dr. CHEN, Tongmin (陳 桐民)

JEOL Beijing

Master thesis: Local strain measurement of InP/InGaAs/InP interface by STEM moire fringe
Doctoral thesis : Development of TEM holder with double-tilt function and observation of nanoindentation of thin-filmed silicon

LIN, Fan (林 凡)
"Annealing temperature dependence of Metatitanic Acid structure change observed by TEM"

D1 ZHANG, Yuanhao (張 元昊)

He moved to Matsumi lab. in November, 2022.


Dr. LIU, Chunmeng (刘 春萌)

Associate Professor, , Zhengzhou University

ORCID iD iconhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-7442-9083

Period: 2017.10-2022.07

Doctoral thesis

"Structure-Dependent Electrical Conductance of Suspended Graphene Nanoribbon by In-situ Transmission Electron Microscopy Observation"

Dr.  ZHANG, Jiaqi (张 家奇)

Associate Professor, College of Physics, Zhengzhou University

Period: 2017.10 - 2022.07

Doctoral thesis

"A study of atomic scale mechanics by in situ transmission electron microscopy with a quartz length-extension resonator"

YANG, Tingting (杨婷婷)

"Development of TEM-MCBJ method and measurement of semiconductor nanowire piezoresistive effect"


"Development of operando TEM method to visualize ionic conduction in all-solid-state batteries"


Dr. XIE, Lilin (谢 立林)

Researcher, Beijing Institute of Technology

ORCID iD iconhttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-1701-0718

Period: 2018.10 - 2021.12

Doctoral thesis

"Study of strain dependence of physical properties in MoS2 layers by in situ transmission electron microscopy observation"

Dr. Zhang, Xiaobin  (張 暁賓)

2019.04 - Associate Professor,  Shibaura Institute of Technology

2022.04 - Associate Professor,  University of Science and Technology Beijing
google scholar

Period: 2016.04 - 2019.03
Research Topics:Phase imaging of 2D materials by TIE method・Electrical conductance of graphene

Recent paper: Ultramicroscopy 158, 49-55 (2015).

Dr. CHIEW, Yi Ling (招 宜伶)

ORCID iD iconhttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-1662-0282

From April, 2021, Research Scientist, Research Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University
From March, 2023, Engineer, Electronic State Microcopy Research Team, RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science


Period; 2017.04 - 2021.3.31

Doctoral thesis

"A Study on Ordering of Fe Atoms in FexTiS2 Structures and Their Magnetic Properties"


 Dr. Zhao, Lei 
Shanghai Jiaotong University, Doctoral researcher
Period: 2017.10 - 2018.10

Prof. Lei, Li

Xi'an University of Technology 现代分析测试中心

Period: 2017.9 - 2018.8

Dr. ISHIZUKA, Keisuke


Doctoral thesis: A study on mechanical properties of gold nano contact by development of in situ TEM method using quartz resonator force sensor
Master thesis: A study of mechanical properties of gold nanocontact by  in-situ TEM observation method using FM force sensor (JAIST) 

presentation:日本物理学会、日本顕微鏡学会、応物学会、IVC20 etc.

FUJISHIMA, Hiromitsu

"In-situ electrical conduction measurement of silicon nanocontacts by TEM-STM method"


"Structural Analysis of Metatitanic Acid by Transmission Electron Microscopy"


"TEM in-situ observation of electrical conductivity of GaSe nanoribbons"

HONDA, Koichiro

"Measurement of shear modulus of gold nano-contacts by TEM observation method equipped with a quartz crystal force sensor."


"In-situ measurement of lithium ion battery by development of electrochemical cell for SEM"

HOSOKAWA, Takamichi

"Mechanical properties of gold nano-contacts by TEM holder equipped with mechanical sensor of quartz length extenstion resonator"


"Study on Edge Dependence of Electrical Conductive Properties of Graphene Nanoribbon"


"A study of Electrical Conduction Characteristics of Semiconductor Nanowires by TEM-STM Method"


"crystal orientational dependence of Young's modulus of metal nano-contacts by TEM-AFM method"


"Operando TEM observation of metal corrosion process by developing Si chip for liquid cell"

修士論文:GNRの電気伝導特性を解明するためのナノデバイスの作製とその計測用TEMホルダーの開発 (JAIST) 

学会発表:応物学会、NANO SciTech 2018 など

HE, Gada
修士論文:Development of electrochemical cell for in-situ scanning electron microscopy (JAIST) 

学会発表:応物学会 など

(金沢大学 新井研究室) 村上 拓


(金沢大学 新井研究室) 橋本 遼太

学会発表:応物学会(2回)、日本表面科学会 など

Visiting student CHEN, Xueting 

(Xi'an University of Technology)  From September 1 to November 29

客員研究員 Tara Prasad Mishra
3rd year Undergraduate (Materials Major), Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore
email: tara.13.1996@gmail.com


研究員 Amer Hassan (エジプト)
M1-65室, 0761-51-1500, email: AmerSTM , google scholar


サムスン電子 金 秀鉉
google scholar

サムスン電子 李 少淵
google scholar

東工大  名誉教授  高柳邦夫

東工大  助教    谷城康眞 

名城大学 准教授   田中崇之


北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 先端科学技術研究科 先端科学技術専攻 大島研究室

Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Oshima Labratory

〒923-1292 石川県能美市旭台1-1M1棟 61号室

Room 61, M1 building, 1-1 Asahidai, Nomi, Ishikawa 923-1292 Japan

Tel:(0761) 51 1500