Welcome to Oshima laboratory, JAIST

We study physical and chemical properties of atomic scale materials

by developing special equipment and experimental methods.


We are looking forward to meeting...

  •   Those who want to develop a nanoscale measuring device
  •   Those who want to investigate the properties of atomic scale materials

Contact information

    If you are interested in our laboratory, let us know by email.

    We will introduce the research contents using Skype etc.
    Email:  oshima (Please add @ jaist.ac.jp)



メモ: * は入力必須項目です




Final defense of Zhang-san was held.


Update the presentations in JSAP spring meeting 2021


Xie-san's paper is accepted.


The following seminars have been released.

AI for Atoms: How to Machine Learn STEM

The presentation titles  has been posted in the meeting of Vacuum and Surface Science Society.

2020 Oct. 

Dr. Chiew and Dr. Liu have obtained degrees and have become researchers.

2020 Oct.  The paper is accepted.

2020 Oct.  One student has joined.


北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 先端科学技術研究科 先端科学技術専攻 大島研究室

Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Oshima Labratory

〒923-1292 石川県能美市旭台1-1M1棟 61号室

Room 61, M1 building, 1-1 Asahidai, Nomi, Ishikawa 923-1292 Japan

Tel:(0761) 51 1500